Basic Take-Ups

Basic Type Take-Ups

This type of Take-up units are coded as "BTU".
This type has a wide range of usage. Machine is mainly used for winding steel rope, copper, aluminum and insulated cable. According to the need, winding operation can be done in torque mode or in speed mode by help of a dancer unit (sold seperately).
Reel loading/unloading, pintle opening/closing, and etc. operations is made by a pneumatic or hydraulic system depending on the material to be winded and request of customers.
Machine has its own self traversing mechanism on it to make a smooth winding of wire/cable on the reel. In special cases, with request of customer, a seperate traversing mechanism would also be delivered.
We are producing different standard sizes of this of take-up units in a range between 400mm to 1250mm.

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